Monday, February 7, 2011

Evolution of Household Durables in Egypt

Poverty is widespread in Egypt, affecting 40 percent of the population, and there are deep pockets of poverty. The 40 percent overall poverty rate in 2005 represents 28 million people, of which 13.6 million (19.6 of population) are in absolute poverty, and even more, 14.5 million (21.0 percent), are near-poor. Furthermore, 2.6 million of the poor (3.8 percent of population) are extremely poor (see Table 1, panels A and B). Many people are also concentrated around the poverty line, meaning that a miniscule decline in monthly consumption of just LE 4 will make additional 2.3 percent of the population poor. By the same token, concentration of the poor around the poverty line means that even a small income boost can move more than 2 percent of the population out of poverty
via Egypt Poverty Assessment Update- World Bank

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